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North India 9 Days 7 Nights Cultural Tour 北印度9天7夜文化之旅
I have left my footprints in Incredible India around few years ago. It’s incredible in its own way, not only its weather but also its architecture.
To be honest, I couldn’t recall the details about this trip but I have tried my best.
Travel Itinerary 旅游路线
Day 1 第一天
• Flight to New Delhi
• Overnight at a 3-star hotel in New Delhi.
• 首都新德里过夜
Day 2 第二天
1) Taj Mahal泰姬陵
• Entrance fee: Rs 750 per pax (includes mineral water & shoe cover. This ticket can also be used for small discounts at Agra Fort & Fatehpur Sikri)
• An architectural marvel that portraits pre-Islamic Indian architecture and Persian style. Every script of the holy Quran is etched in the inner walls.
• A mausoleum of Queen Mumtaz Mahal, wife of Shah Jahan.
• Visit during sunrise to avoid crowds
• Closed on Fridays
• 又称泰姬玛哈,是印度知名度最高的古迹之一
• 它是由莫卧儿王朝第五代皇帝沙贾汗为纪念已故皇后阿姬曼芭奴而建立的陵墓,泰姬陵全部以纯白色大理石建筑,用玻璃和玛瑙镶嵌,在建筑艺术上拥有极高的评价与价值,为伊斯兰建筑中的代表作品,也被誉为近代世界八大奇迹之一。
2) Agra Fort 阿格拉堡
• Entrance fee: Rs 250 (upon showing Taj Mahal ticket)
• Agra fort is a massive fort that was built with red sandstone.
• At the edge of the fort, you can find the octagonal tower in which Shah Jahan was held as a prisoner by his son as he requested that he wanted to spend his life looking at Taj Mahal.
• 泰姬陵刚完工不久,其子奥朗则布弑兄杀弟篡位成功,沙•贾汗国王本人也被囚禁在离泰姬陵不远的阿格拉堡的八角宫内。
Day 3 第三天
1) Amer Fort 琥珀堡
• Entrance Fee: 550 per Person for Foreign Tourists and Rs.100 for Indians
• Visiting Time: 10 AM - 5 PM (Daily)
• Amer fort was built with red sandstone and white sandstone.
• You would enter the fort through the Sun Gate, Suraj Pol and initially enter into the main courtyard named Jaleb Chowk.
• From the gate, you would find a stairway that would take you to the main palace. There is a small stairway in right which would lead you to the temple of Siladevi.
• In the fourth courtyard, you would find the queens’ apartments which includes the famous Mirror Palace.
• 城堡依山而築,周圍建有近 40 公里的城牆,远望还真像中国的万里长城。
• 堡內很多宮殿和房間的牆上鑲有寶石和鏡子砌成的圖案裝飾,較特別的有鏡宮。
2) Hawa Mahal 风之宫殿
• Entrance Fee: Rs 200 for Foreign Tourists and Rs 50 for Indians
• Visiting Time: All days 9 00 AM – 4 30 PM
• A five story building that is situated in the heart of the city of Jaipur.
• It has a beehive like structure and is made of red and pink sand stone lined with white color to make it vibrant.
• The most unique aspect about the palace is the fact that at all times a light breeze passes through it. That is how the palace got its name.
• Hawa means wind, which is the Palace of Winds.
• 粉红城墙以及许多窗户,吸引了无数目光。它是印度建筑史上的杰作,因众多窗户,使得宫殿任何地方皆有风可吹入。倘若遇上狂风,将窗门打开,宫殿就不会被吹倒
3) Jantar Mantar 简塔曼塔天文台
• Fee: Indian/foreigner Rs 15/150, Video 25
• A heritage site that holds many astronomical instruments of yesteryear that are still in use.
• 基本记得的只是一座座巨大的观测设备还有那酷热的阳光。
Day 4 & 5 第四第五天 - Shimla 西姆拉
• The capital of Himachal Pradesh and former summer capital of British India, Shimla is the state’s most important center.
• Mall Road is a large area (which includes Christ Church, town centre & many eateries)
• The Mall, packed with shops and eateries, is the center of attraction
• Half day city tour visiting Jakhoo Hill, Shimla’s highest point, other a panoramic view of the town, hills and mountain ranges with spectacular views at sunrise and sunset.
• 已经不记得当晚是下大雨还是下大雪了,总之记得带把伞吧!
• 我们也在此地买了一堆御寒用具,手套袜子寒帽风衣就为了在寒冷的山上还能保小命一条。
Day 6 & 7 第六第七天 - Manali 马纳里
• Journey to Manali was…awful. (but luckily we did not die)
• Visit Kullu Valley and Solang Valley
• Winter sports area (skiing, zorbing, paragliding, etc)
• Estimated cost per pax: Around Rs 1 300 (+ Rs 2 000 more if taking paragliding)
• 车程艰辛啊,一路颠簸不知道多久,只记得好久好久,路面滑,突然下起了暴雪,也积雪,车子只能慢慢行驶。
• 隔天滑雪去,可是突然下暴雪,靴子又掉了,一脚踩进雪里头,直接冻僵了,只记得脚好像被截肢了。
Day 8 第八天 - Delhi 德里
1) India Gate 印度门
• India Gate is a war memorial, which was initially named as the All India War Memorial. This structure is situated Rajpath region of New Delhi.
• This structure stands as a memorial to more than 70,000 soldiers who died in the First World War and the third Anglo-Afghan war.
• 为了纪念第一次世界大战死的9万名军人所建的,后也纪念印巴武装冲突和中印边界冲突中阵亡的印军
• 印度门两侧各有一个喷水池 India-Gate Fountain A和B,连接主道路Ral path两侧的划船水池和公园
2) Qutub Minar 古达明那塔
• Fee: Indian/foreigner 30/500
• Visiting Time: 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM on all days of the week
• The tower has five tapering storeys. The lower three storeys are made of pale red sandstone, the fourth is made of marble and the fifth is made of marble and sandstone.
• 德里最高的建筑物,塔共分五层,各层之间有雕刻精美的环状阳台。环绕塔壁的水平饰带上刻上可兰经文及阿拉伯纹样,并以印度传统藤蔓图样及花彩垂饰作为点缀。
3) Lotus Temple 莲花寺
• Fee: No Charges
• Visiting Time: 9:00AM to 7:00PM in summer and 9:00AM to 6:00PM in winter (from Tuesdays-Sundays), Mondays closed
• This is a modern style non-religion oriented temple.
• 无论任何宗教信仰的人,都可以在这里无差别地崇拜自己的神祗。
• 白色是该庙最主要的色调。 这里非常安静,你可以在这里感受到宁静的宗教气氛。进庙的教徒以及参观的人要脱鞋。
Day 9 第九天
Flight back to Malaysia 打道回府
• I was still having student visa when I visit North India but tourist can apply tourist visa online, around USD 75
• 网上申请签证,大约美金75
That’s all that I could recall, teehee!
这就是整个旅程的大概分享囖 BYEEE (飘走)
Thanks to our travel expert, Wendy Tan Xin Hui, for sharing their wonderful journey. If you love travelling, continue reading this and follow in our expert's footsteps!
**Pictures are not arranged according to order. 照片是没有跟顺序排列。