Vienna. Cheap or Expensive?

Deborah Gan
Deborah Gan

Published 28 Oct 2018 179 views

Vienna, the city of music, where almost every musician would want to visit there because of Mozart, and the Baroque Era. It has been my bucket list to visit Austria. As we Malaysians, converting RM to EUROS could be a big pain, but how do we enjoy the city without spending much? These will be few tips for you.

STOP spending on HOP ON and OFF

I know this sounds insane, but buying HOP ON and OFF in Vienna is pretty ridiculous. This is because this city's transportation is very convenient, and you practically don't need the hop on and off bus. All you need is a map, and how to get there.

Make sure your Airbnb, hotels and hostels are near a metro station because it will make your life easier going to different parts of the city.

You can get Vienna City Pass which is available at the info counter at the airport, or any main stations like Westbahnhof, Hautbahnhof and Wien Mitte. The Vienna city pass comes in 3 packages which is 24hrs - €17, 48hrs - €25, 72hrs - €29. This package comes with some discounts for entrances for museums and other places. Click on this word VIENNA CITY PASS if you are interested.

Or you can actually just go to any kiosk on any train station to purchase a 24hrs, 48hrs or 72hrs which is much cheaper than the Vienna City Pass. 24hrs only cost €8, 48hrs cost €14.10, and 72hrs cost €17.10. But remember this one doesn't includes discounts. But come to think of it, it has already included in whatever discounts so called they said. I think Austrians are quite good in business, they've calculated everything. LOL


Everywhere is free to go and roam around from the Schronbunn Palace, Hundertwatsser's Village, Danube Tower, and strolling at the Danube river. You can take as many pictures as you want, and stay as long as you want too.

The catch is, when you decide to enter the palace or inside to see, it cost money. One ticket will cost more than €10 or more. Most of the places you will not be allow to take any pictures of it. So unless you are a real history lover, you can do it. LOL In my opinion, Schronbunn Palace is a must to pay the money to visit especially the gardens. But if you're in a budget you'll start thinking, OMG 1 ticket to the palace is RM120, "gan ni neh" (our Malaysian Chinese way of cursing), and I can't take pictures. LOL So, this is my warning to you.

Well, if you love to see pots and pans, and cutleries, you can visit Sisi Museum. Huge mistake I made, hahaha, but it was nice tho I could imagine all the pots and pans in there coming alive like from the movie Beauty and the Beast, "Be Our Guests" songs. It makes you wonder how on earth they eat in the olden days.

This is just one part of the museum.

Below are some pictures taken in my short trip to Vienna, at the free areas.


Buy your lunches at Groceries Store

Ok, so we Malaysians love to convert when we go overseas and we will start complaining everything is expensive. LOL

What I suggest, buy your breakfast, lunch and dinner at the groceries stores like HOFER, and SPAR. One bread cost 0.89euros in HOFER, so it is like RM4. OK la, can accept this price right? HAHAHA.

Or you can keep eating this, it's very nice. But feel like I'm eating my dog's treat. HAHAHA!!

But you know as we Malaysians worships rice, if you're sick of those food, you can find Japanese or Chinese food near the main station like WESTBAHNHOF, there's a sushi place which is cheap sushi which is around 4.90euros. If you're craving for rice, do consider that place.

Look at me, in the end I've worshipped rice in a sushi restaurant near Wien Mitte call Hitomi Sushi Wok Noodles it cost me 7.80 euros. It's a pretty big portion of lunch.

FREE Walking Tours

There is actually free walking tours which you could book here, now it is targeted for couple or solo traveller. So please don't book for 10 person if you are going as a  family. If you're interested click this word. WALKING TOURS

Make sure you tip the guides as they are very nice, and I think they deserved it.

For me I roam around myself, as you just need to know what you want to do.


I mean when you go on holidays it is to relax and have fun. No doubt we have to be aware of our budget but there are times we do can do something fancy. As for me, I'm a music lover, seeing a Chamber orchestra playing in the palace is one of my bucket list. Even it cost 45euros I still pay for it.

Ok, if you're not a music lover you will think 45 euros!!! That is almost RM200 for one ticket and is 1 and half hour. "WALAO WEI!!!!!" (anther Malaysian Chinese way of describing and exaggerating things) You're so rich. HAHAHA!!!! If someone who can pay RM600 for a KPOP concert, I don't think RM200 is that ridiculous. LOL

Best of it, I could take picture inside the hall, and it is something that I will remember for life, it was my main highlight for my trip so I feel it was worth it.



I've spend 2 to 3 hours in House of Music highly recommended by my host when I said I want to visit the Mozart houses in Vienna. It is totally fun and I spend most of time exploring things in the place. The entry ticket is €13. However if you would like to spend less than €10 go from 8pm to 10pm which will cost €6.50. Click on this word HOUSE OF MUSIC to find more infos.

So, I hope this helps you understand better what to expect in Vienna. Like, Comment and Follow.


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